“Cal Ribero” is located in the town of Vilanova de la Sal, in the region of “La Noguera”, located in the foothills of Lleida.
Located 14 km north of Balaguer, does not exceed one hundred inhabitants and most of them have a large agricultural family tradition. It is a rural village, family and cozy; captivating for its tranquility and its landscapes.
Vilanova de la Sal owes its name to the existence of sources of salt exploited in the eleventh century. The church, the remains of a thirteenth century portal of the old Romanesque church. Nearby are the remains of the ancient town of Vilanova de la Sal, where we find the ruins of the castle and Romanesque church of Santa Margarita.
The township is very rugged, which is predominantly oak and pine. Its location is magnificent to perform all kinds of activities: biking, hiking, hunting, fishing, sports, sightseeing …
See Activities around …
La Noguera
“La Noguera” is the most extensive region of Catalonia and one of the most heterogéneas for its great variety landscaping le confident that a unique character in Catalunya.
For the entertainment, La Noguera is one of the privileged regions for the practice of hiking, the cycling, climbing and caving. The Montsec Valley and Ager are ideal places to practice gliding.